Cloud Inspect Lab

List Styles

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The powerful element icon list provides incredible opportunities to represent your lists styles.


You can also divide each list item with a good
looking divider like solid, dotted or dashed.

Space Between

You can also modify the space between each list
item, the number is represented in each device.


Easily change the alignment to left, center
or right, with a great combination of icons.


The color is easy changeable, you can customize
the color of the icon, the text or both of them.

Hover Color

The same options of color can be applied when you mouseover over a list item, icon or text are changed.


Change easily the size of the icon before or the text on the list item style, the color and size can be combined.
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Cloud Inspect Lab is an initiative from Big Zero Technology that aims to bridge the gap between technological evolution in manufacturing solutions and shop floor challenges.

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